Review & Modify Your Recruitment Practices



Recruitment is one of the most important and foundational steps of a search. Recruit an amazing pool, and you’ll likely have an amazing hire. An amazing pool is made up of qualified and diverse applicants. Seek people with different experiences and backgrounds who can add depth and breadth to your organization. Recruiting from Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs) can be an effective way to ensure you improve the diversity of your search.

In reviewing the submission, the following queries will be used:

  • Do you currently recruit from MSIs?
  • Do you currently recruit from other diversity-focused sources?
  • What position levels do you recruit for from MSIs or other diversity-focused sources?
  • How do you recruit from MSIs or diversity-focused sources?
  • How often do you recruit from MSIs or diversity-focused sources?
  • Do you engage with MSIs or diversity-focused recruitment sources in other w